26 research outputs found

    Creating Bio-adaptive Visual Cues for a Social Virtual Reality Meditation Environment

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    This thesis examines designing and implementing adaptive visual cues for a social virtual reality meditation environment. The system described here adapts into user’s bio- and neurofeedback and uses that data in visual cues to convey information of physiological and affective states during meditation exercises supporting two simultaneous users. The thesis shows the development process of different kinds of visual cues and attempts to pinpoint best practices, design principles and pitfalls regarding the visual cue development in this context. Also examined are the questions regarding criteria for selecting correct visual cues and how to convey information of biophysical synchronization between users. The visual cues examined here are created especially for a virtual reality environment which differs as a platform from traditional two dimensional content such as user interfaces on a computer display. Points of interests are how to embody the visual cues into the virtual reality environment so that the user experience remains immersive and the visual cues convey information correctly and in an intuitive manner

    DYNECOM: Augmenting Empathy in VR with Dyadic Synchrony Neurofeedback

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    In a novel experimental setting, we augmented a variation of traditional compassion meditation with our custom built VR environment for multiple concurrent users. The system incorporates respiration and brainwave based biofeedback that enables responsiveness to the shared physiological states of the users. The presence of another user’s avatar in the shared virtual space supported low level social interactions and provided active targets for evoked compassion. We enhanced interoception and the deep empathetic processes involved in compassion meditation with real time visualizations of breathing rates and the level of approach motivation assessed from EEG frontal asymmetry, and the dyadic synchrony of those signals between the two users. We found how the different biofeedback types increased both the amount of physiological synchrony between the users and their self-reported empathy, illustrating how dyadic synchrony biofeedback can expand the possibilities of biofeedback in affective computing and VR solutions for health and wellness

    OSAAMISPROFIILIN KOMPETENSSIT KÄYTÄNNÖNLÄHEISIKSI : Sähköinen opas ensimmäiseen harjoitteluun sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille

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    Hoitotyön auttamismenetelmien harjoittelu on jokaisen sairaanhoitajaksi opiskelevan ensimmäinen harjoittelu. Harjoitteluun menevillä ei välttämättä ole kokemusta hoitotyön työelämästä. Sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden porrasta astua käytännön kentälle voidaan laskea antamalla heille riittävästi tietoa ja kertoa heille, mitä heiltä odotetaan ensimmäisessä harjoittelussa. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli avata sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoille hoitotyön auttamismenetelmien harjoittelun kompetenssit käytännönläheisiksi. Tehtävänämme teimme sähköisen oppaan, joka helpottaa sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoita tavoitteiden sekä itsearvioinnin tekemisessä kompetenssien pohjalta. Opiskelijoilla ei välttämättä ole aikaisempaa sosiaali- ja terveysalan koulutusta, joten he eivät välttämättä tiedä, mitä heiltä odotetaan harjoittelussa. Oppaassa on konkretisoitu kuusi hoitotyön auttamismenetelmien harjoittelun kompetenssia. Kompetensseja ovat hoitotyön asiakkuusosaaminen, terveyden edistämisen osaaminen, kliinisen hoitotyön osaaminen, oppimisen taidot, eettinen osaaminen ja työyhteisöosaaminen. Tavoitteena oli aukaista kyseiset kompetenssit opiskelijalle ymmärrettävämpään muotoon. Tulevaisuudessa vastaavan kaltaisia oppaita voisi tuottaa myös muihin sairaanhoitajaopiskelijoiden harjoitteluihin sekä antaa opas muiden ammattikorkeakoulujen käyttöönThe first practical training in nursing studies focuses on nursing intervention. Students attending their first practical placement may not have previous working life experience in nursing. The threshold to step into the professional world can be lowered by providing adequate information before the commencement of practical training and by telling the students what is expected of them. The purpose of this thesis was to produce a handbook for nursing students for their first practical training. The purpose of the handbook was to provide a practical approach to the competencies related to nursing interventions. The handbook will help students set their objectives and also help them engage in self-assessment. In the handbook, six competencies related to nursing interventions are discussed in detail. The competencies are client competence, health promotion skills, clinical nursing skills, learning skills, ethical competence and work community competence. In the future, similar handbooks could be produced on other practical training periods and the handbook could also be placed at the disposal of other universities of applied sciences

    Deteriorated stabilization of walking in individuals with spastic cerebral palsy revealed by a simulated tripping perturbation

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to make use of a pr eviously introduced method of a simulated tripping perturbation to examine stability of walking in individuals with and with out cerebral palsy. This tripping perturbation is a forward-dynamics analys is, and it works so that in a subjec t-specific muscle-driven simulation of walking, created from experimental gait data, a force is applied to the swin g-foot, and resulting changes in the kinematics are observed. Here, changes in the fore-aft position of the trunk were analyzed. Subjects were 10 children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy and eight un impaired children walking at their self-sel ected speed. Several tripping perturbations throughout the swing phase were performed, and each perturbation was used to analyze stability at a respective instant of time. At a given instant of time, walking was defined as stable if after initially deviating from its unpertur bed position, because of the pertur bation, the trunk then approached and stayed close to that position. Walking was in turn de fined as unstable if the trunk moved away from its unperturbed position. All unimpaired subjects were stable at some point of their swi ng phases, wherea s six out of the ten CP subjects were never stable. The unimpaired subjects we re statistically signific antly stable for a larger percentage of the swing phase t han the CP subjects (p < 0. 05). On the average, unimpaired subjects were stable for 8.5% of the swing phase while CP subjects were st able for 1.5% of the sw ing phase. These findings demonstrate that a tripping perturbation is capable of detecting a balance impa irment. Thus, it shows promise as a tool for rehabilitation.peerReviewe

    Attitudes and Considerations towards Pharmaceuticals-Related Environmental Issues among Finnish Population

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    A number of policy recommendations identify the general public as a key participant in environmentally sustainable pharmaceutical policies. However, research into pharmaceuticals-related environmental issues from the population perspective is scarce. We studied the awareness among Finnish adults (n = 2030) of pharmaceutical residues in Finnish waterways, their perceived environmental sources, views on pharmaceuticals-related environmental issues, and their association with background characteristics. Of the respondents, 89.5% were aware of the presence of pharmaceuticals in Finnish waterways. Wastewaters from the pharmaceutical industry were most frequently, and pharmaceuticals excreted by humans least frequently, considered a major environmental source of pharmaceuticals. The vast majority of the respondents were worried about the environmental and health impact of pharmaceutical residues and emphasized issues such as the importance of environmentally sustainable actions by pharmaceutical companies and the recyclability of the pharmaceutical packaging materials. Age, education, use of prescription medicines, and environmental attitude were associated with awareness of pharmaceutical residues, while gender, age, education level, and environmental attitude were associated most frequently with pharmaceuticals-related environmental considerations. These results indicate a need for improved communication about the environmental effects of pharmaceuticals and the significance of different pharmaceutical emission sources in order to promote a more environmentally friendly, effective pharmaceutical policy

    Attitudes and Considerations towards Pharmaceuticals-Related Environmental Issues among Finnish Population

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    A number of policy recommendations identify the general public as a key participant in environmentally sustainable pharmaceutical policies. However, research into pharmaceuticals-related environmental issues from the population perspective is scarce. We studied the awareness among Finnish adults (n = 2030) of pharmaceutical residues in Finnish waterways, their perceived environmental sources, views on pharmaceuticals-related environmental issues, and their association with background characteristics. Of the respondents, 89.5% were aware of the presence of pharmaceuticals in Finnish waterways. Wastewaters from the pharmaceutical industry were most frequently, and pharmaceuticals excreted by humans least frequently, considered a major environmental source of pharmaceuticals. The vast majority of the respondents were worried about the environmental and health impact of pharmaceutical residues and emphasized issues such as the importance of environmentally sustainable actions by pharmaceutical companies and the recyclability of the pharmaceutical packaging materials. Age, education, use of prescription medicines, and environmental attitude were associated with awareness of pharmaceutical residues, while gender, age, education level, and environmental attitude were associated most frequently with pharmaceuticals-related environmental considerations. These results indicate a need for improved communication about the environmental effects of pharmaceuticals and the significance of different pharmaceutical emission sources in order to promote a more environmentally friendly, effective pharmaceutical policy

    Are woodland key habitats biodiversity hotspots in boreal forests?

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    Background: The concept of Woodland Key Habitats (WKH, small-scaled presumed hotspots of biodiversity) has become an essential component of forest management in Fennoscandian and Baltic countries. There have been debates over the importance of WKHs in relation to production forests, and several research projects have focused on differences in biodiversity between the two. Results have been contradictory, and thus there is a need to summarize and clarify the existing knowledge. - Objectives: Our objective was to summarize knowledge on comparisons of several biodiversity qualities between WKHs and production forests in relevant countries i.e. the countries where WKH concept has been implemented. We also summarize the knowledge on the impact of edge effects on WKHs by comparing WKHs surrounded by mature forests to WKHs surrounded by clear cuts. - Methods: We conducted searches in multiple databases and in Google Scholar after the keyword scoping. Main institutions in Sweden (Swedish Forest Agency) and Finland (Forestry Development Centre Tapio and Metsähallitus) with activities on WKHs were also consulted through personal contacts and web-page searches. Researchers with much experience of WKH research were also contacted to obtain possible unpublished literature. We conducted meta-analysis with the data extracted from the original studies that were included it the review. - Main results: Studies had been conducted in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Total number of studies found from databases was 1443. Forty studies remained after the abstract filter stages. Finally, 18 studies were included in the review, from which 16 studied the differences between WKHs and production forests, and only two studies compared WKHs surrounded by mature forests and WKHs surrounded by clear cuts. Our results suggest that WKHs seem to be hotspots of dead wood, diversity of dead wood, species richness and red-listed species. Also, we found differences between countries in these biodiversity qualities. - Conclusions: Our results suggest that WKHs seem to be biodiversity hotspots. However, there are not enough studies focusing on how WKHs are able to maintain these biodiversity qualities when surrounded by clear cuts. Indeed, landscape scale issues, such as proximity and extent of clear cuts, may be reducing WKHs contribution to the conservation of biodiversity. As such this area needs further investigation.peerReviewe

    Systematic review Hotspots in cold climate: Conservation value of woodland key habitats in boreal forests

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    a b s t r a c t The concept of Woodland Key Habitats (WKH, small-scaled presumed hotspots of biodiversity) has become an essential component of biodiversity conservation in Fennoscandian and Baltic forests. There have been debates over the importance of WKHs in relation to the conservation of biodiversity in production forests. We applied a systematic review protocol and meta-analysis to summarize knowledge on comparisons of biodiversity qualities, such as dead wood and species richness, between WKHs and production forests in relevant countries. We also summarized the knowledge on the impact of edge effects by comparing WKHs surrounded by production forests to WKHs surrounded by clear cuts. Studies had been conducted in Finland, Norway and Sweden. Based on our meta-analysis, WKHs seem to be relative hotspots for dead wood volume, diversity of dead wood, number of species and number of red-listed species. There were some differences also between countries in these biodiversity qualities. Only two studies compared WKHs surrounded by production forests and clear cuts, respectively. Hence, the capability of WKHs to maintain their original species composition and support species persistence over time remains to be addressed, as well as their role in relation to other conservation tools